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Where do I begin? This was so beautiful!

The entire french culture literally invading the screen in every possible way gave it a very fresh air. The text, written like a galant tale, fitting of the graciousness of the designs (Both, sprites and backgrounds), literally makes me talk a bit like that myself!

I loved the story, and the little but very meaningful options. Went with Nivelles and even tho they didn't win the ball, it felt like Soubrette had the best of times anyway! Really lovely story and ending! They only thing I might think of is the lack of music? By the end, the ball had very faint music for which I had to turn the volume real up, and at the begining, I heard the opera singing but it shut pretty quick. Maybe it was my pc? Hope it was just that.

Other than that, a beautiful well crafted novel <3


Thank you very much for the feedback! The ball music is pretty loud on my end and I have a mac, so perhaps it's an issue with pcs only? I will try to look into it a little more.

Oh, yes, sorry. I played the Windows version. Hope it was just my pc or something!

(2 edits)

I wish I also had Bogart for moral support but playing this game fixes that.

...could this possibly be any more charming?? I loved the art and the writing both, and the story is just cozy, delightful, and fun! Wonderful work!

Thank you<3 I'm so glad you enjoyed!

This was absolutely adorable! I love the art especially ^-^ It's a beautiful style and very pretty to look at. Overall just a lovely, sweet, and relaxing game :3


 I was hoping it would be a nice, low-stress little game, so I'm so glad to hear you found it relaxing and enjoyed it! Thank you :)